2023-03-29 “A Visage of flowers” Tereblog 33 [ENG]

On March 28th Suzuki Ayane’s graduation ceremony was held 💐

Because Ayane-san herself is very particular and delicate in choosing the words that she uses, I had to put my brain into full throttle so I could find the best Japanese to address her.

It was that Ayane-san, who’s overflowing with charm, that had their ceremony held.

The dress she wore during the encore as well, as well as the way her hair was arranged with a ribbon was gorgeous…

But I was still able to talk with her, but when I saw her face all I could say was “umm, ahhh,…y….you look like a princess… so beautiful!” how could I you nervous wreck Ikeda! However I still was able to have a conversation with her, I’m also really glad I was able to get a picture with her ꒰ᐡ⸝⸝-  ̫ -⸝⸝ᐡ꒱

Ayane-san, thank you so much for everything up till now and congratulations on your graduation!!!

Besides the ceremony talk I also wanted to talk about ‘Kamen Rider”, I went to the theater and watched Shin Kamen Rider o(>∀< )o

Speaking of my…opinions, I’m going to spare you the details but it was concentrated!!!! Lol It’s like they injected a years worth of Sunday morning episodes into a 2 hour movie (or something similar)

The non poetic justice parts were good, Hachilog was cute 🐝⋆←cute

I’m making good progress on the people that have seen it and have given me their feelings on it on Letters or as a blog comment, feel free to come talk about it with me during the online meet and greet. I’ll be waiting (●︎´▽︎`●︎)🦗←It’s not the green but it’s kind of creepy this grasshopper emoji…

I really wanted to go to the movie theatre more than usual.

I splurged a little 🍍♥️

( ‘ω’o[ announcements ]o

B.L.T May issue on sale March 28th

Kuu-chan, Aya and I are on the front opening cover of this magazine!

A behind the scenes picture📸

Big candies and twintails were marked by AyaMikuPan! Please find us 〜\( ¨̮ ( ¨̮ ( ¨̮ )/

I even took a picture of our opening outfits (*´`*)

I have so many memories associated with ‘Unubore Beach’ from performing it at last year’s Midsummer National Tour and at this year’s 5th generation birthday live live 🏖‎🤍

I hope that I’ll be able to perform it again in the future …(ゞ´∀`)ゞ カモン

Thank you for reading until the end!

See you

#Tereblog #33 (Nogizaka subtitle under construction)

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