2023-02-14“Kiss? Kiss!!! #Happy Valentine 🍫︎♥️” Tereblog 11 [ENG]

Hello and Good evening

I tried writing a blog today so I’ll be happy if you were to read it 🍫︎💕︎︎

I wore the outfit fo “koko ni ha nai mono”

Every time I see this outfit, I remember the time this song was first performed live..

The darkening sky and this pure white dress, the grey gradation on the sleeves are beautiful and the use of the fabric is so elegant, I love it 🌃

I failed at opening my eyes halfway …| ‘ᾥ’ ):

What day is it today, it’s Valentine’s Day🍫︎💕︎︎

Instead of presents I’ll answer everyone’s questions!!!

Well then, let’s goooo ⸜( ◜࿁◝ )⸝︎︎

💌Can you give me a picture of you when you were younger instead of candy?

(Blog name: Maacho Bokkuri)

🤍It looks like I was supposed to give out candy but ended up eating it all is a picture of young Ikeda that I will leave here ( ー̀֊ー́ )

Please take it through the picture🤲🏻

💌Do you check the weather before going out?

(Blog name: Boukan-chan)

🤍When the seasons are changing I check the temperature frequently but during a period like right now I forget to check… that’s because without a doubt at this time of the year it is the time to be at home in the warmest clothes. I went out like that the other day and I heard the scream of heavy rain and I ran back to my home eheh

💌It’s so sad not having New Nogizaka Star Tanjou on Mondays! I want to see you Tere-pan (т-т)

(Blog name: Lupin 300 sei)

🤍Me too 〜(т-т)(‪߹-߹I feel so lost on Tuesday mornings…

We’ll see each other again in April, I promise!!!

💌The first picture on your previous blog, it looked like you had thick lips, it turns out it was your tongue

(Blog name: Koniro Jinjya ⛩)

🤍That was my gag called “Gyu-tan” ( ´ʚ` )It seems down at the docks they call me Tere-tan

💌I’m currently lining up for merchandise.. I really wanted to line up with Tere-san but I only need to wait another three hours!!!

(Blog name: Kome toka iteishimiri)

🤍Please do your best to buy Ikeda goods. I’m so glad, thank you…! By the time this blog is uploaded I wonder if you were able to buy them, I pray that you are able to buy them (-人-) amen amen

If I see people with Ikeda goods at the LIVE I’ll definitely respond to youuuuuuuuuuu! 😳😳😳

💌Thank you for the live stream! When the 5th generation members sing 17 funkan at the live when you sing “Boku no Angel” I’ll do a “Chouzetsu Kawaii Teresa” call!

(Blog name: Hipihopi)

🤍Yay, I really want to hear it ✨

Kuu-chan and I share that line so you can also say “Chouzetsu Kawaii Teremikku)! (Or maybe it’s TereKuu-chan)!!! But regardless saying I’m embodiment of cuteness is a little embarrassing (///∇///)ゞ

💌I’m planning to participate in the 5th generation member LIVE and so I think I’ll be screaming “Teresaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” until my voice dies!!!

(Blog name: Tere no mono)

🤍Is this Aoi Bench? I too want to use my voice so much it dies while giving everyone all my love!!

Please scream your love to us at heart of the world that is the 5th generation member LIVE 🫶🏻

💌I really want to see your wear the outfit you wore on STREAMING NOW during a performance at a LIVE or on a music program!

(Blog name: Ishikari nabe)

🤍I hope that wish comes true one day 😳, recently I went to a warehouse where all the historical outfits are stored, I got so emotional seeing them (;_;)

💌To all the Tere-fans, she sends you a lot of Yakiniku pictures in her mail lol

I want to go eat some yakiniku and send you a letter 🥩‪🔥

(Blog name: Kare-pan)

🤍Is that so,, whenever everyone send me pictures of their food I start to get hungry. Right now it’s not just Yakiniku but Hamburgers, Steaks, Gyutan meals and Tamgoyaki (Gauwauwa Yaki?) are all my favorites and seeing that line up just pierces my heart (tears) Kuuuuu I can’t loseeeeeeee!!!

Wouldn’t it be great to have a woman that gives you Yakiniku instead of sweets? It would be great wouldn’t it?

Q&A over

Of course the blog as well but the comments you send to me through mail will also be answer when I can, thank you very much <(_ _)>

Naonao’s cheeks are softer than any candy 💭

Her mochimochi cheeks are so satisfying 〜ŧ‹”( ˙༥​˙ )ŧ‹”

Thank yo-yo for reading until the very end again today ( ・_・)/——-◎

Please come again, bye bye

#Tereblog #11 (Let’s make a good country, Teretere shogunate)

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