2023-02-11“I need you? Ai nii Jyuu!!!” Tereblog 9 [ENG]

Yesterday was February 10th, in other words Ni (2) and Jyuu (10)


Hello I’m Teresa

Thank you for meeting me on this blog today, I’m glad that we were able to meet (●︎´▽︎`●︎)

If you like feel free to read to the end!

The other day I went to see the stage play of “Kingdom”

One of the third generation members, Umezawa Minami, was in this play and was playing the roll of Yotanwa. She was soooooo beautiful…😭

(I’m going to give away some spoilers so if you don’t want any please don’t read ahead ⚠️)

I was originally a fan of the manga and I really like it, and so when I saw Yontanwa appear on the stage I couldn’t feel anything other than overbearing fear…I was in awe of the way they were able to hide her beauty during the stage play so ingeniously.

Of course the acting of the entire cast, the lighting, the sound effect the outfits, there was so much power there and I learned that day that people can really become something other than themselves 😳 It was really amazing…no matter what scene it was, even though I was sitting in the audience, it felt so real. I really feel like I was in the forest, the city and on the battlefield.

But out of all the things that they did so well I never thought the thing that would charm me the most would be the beauty of Yotanwa… I was especially overwhelmed the sword fighting scene! It was rought and wild, but for some reason it felt like I was watching a beautiful dance.

She was so beautiful and cool.

I’m so glad that I was able to see such a beautiful work and to have it be linked to Nogizaka46 makes it even more amazing.

To be honest, before I joined Nogizaka46 (when I was a snotty little kid) the first time I saw Umezawa’s name was when she played the roll of Elizabeth during the “Seven Deadly Sins’ stage play. So this time, to be able to see her perform live makes me so happy.

I’m still a rookie but I want to be like Umezawa-san, beautiful, capable and a beautiful idol. I’m going to do my best to get close, by even just a bit, to that goal!!!

I’ll be continuing to support this performance ☺︎

My favorite character in Kingdom is Ouki Shogun, the Ouki in the stage play was amazing 🫶🏻

( ‘ω’o[ Announcements]o

“Nogizaka 46 picture book Nogisatsu VOL. 03” on sale now!

Ikeda as well as pictures that she took are many and scattered throughout the photobook 🥹︎💕︎︎

“General cover” and “Seven Net limited edition cover” has an random picture of Ikeda on it and so if you like please check it out.

In the Nogisatsu survey, there is a question that asks “a member you want to be reborn as” and so people that answer my name I’ll be watching for you.

I wanted to talk about New Nogizaka Star Tanjou! but then I remembered that we’re heading into the final episode.

I knew the new series will be starting in April and I’ll be able to see the staff again but even saying goodbye temporarily is a little bit sad.

“Nogizaka Under Construction” and “New Nogizaka Star Tanjou!” there have been a lot of Nogizaka programs that we’ve been in over the last year. It’s not a matter of fact thing that we were given these shows and I’m very happy that we were able to participate in them.

I was also able to do many photoshoots and for those I’m also very grateful!

Here is a behind the scenes shot from 20±SWEET 2023 JANUARY📷‪🫶🏻🤍 ̖́-

Ha shi re Bicycle !!!

Starting today for the next 10 days there will be a live stream for “10th birthday live Blu-ray DVD sale & pre 11th birthday live special #Nogizaka46 fun TV” – ̗̀👏🏻 ̖́-

The first episode will have Manatsu-san, Kaki-san and me!

From now until the birthday live, make sure to check Nogizaka Streaming Now at 22:02o(>∀< )o

I wrote this blog while listening to a SPYAIR playlist on repeat. At this very momeny Sakuramitsutsuki is plaing.

Well then! Let’s meet again 🚴💨

#Tereblog #9 (Da-re ga koroshitakuu kuro-bin♪)

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