2017-07-27 “Even if it takes time.” Kubo Shiori Blog #19 [ENG]

The chirping of the birds woke me up, that’s the kind of fairy tale world I truly yearn for. So for that reason my alarm is the chirping of small birds. This doesn’t really wake me up though…tohohohoho…ah I won’t fall back to sleep.

Hello everyone. Thank you for your continuous hard work. I’m Nogizaka 46’s 3rd generation member. 1st year high school student, 16 year-old Kubo Shiori. It’s a pleasure to meet you!!!

Recently the thing I’ve been enjoying the most is the time I spend thinking about what to write for this blog. Even if it’s the smallest things I always keep thinking “I’ll write this in my blog!” (´・_・`) But 70% of what I say I was going to write; I end up forgetting… That’s why recently, whenever I feel something I write it down! Recently, I can’t help but have fun looking back over my notes. The most recent thing that I’ve read over in my notes is this “I think I like cream puffs!!”

A few days ago, the 3rd album handshake event was held in Makuhari Messe! The 3rd album handshakes are now all over〜 therefore around the end of the 1st time slot I was given a birthday festival.


They built such a beautiful lane (´・_・`) it reminds me of ‘3nin no Principle’. I can say, without exaggeration, that the reason I am who I am now is because of that stage play. It was the big motivation of that stage play that changed me. Therefore, when I am told at the handshake events that, “Principle was the motivation for coming to see you!” It makes me happy. When looking at this lane this time around, I think that for everyone as well Principle was the occasion where you got to know me and that makes me happy. Thank you very much.

This is my first time having a birthday since joining Nogizaka46. Ever since I was born, this was the first time I’ve received this many birthday wishes. Thank you so very much. I’m so grateful that I can’t put it into words.

Since joining Nogizaka46 I’ve always thought that being able to meet everyone was my birthday present. Therefore, I want to treasure you all even more. In order to warm everyone’s heart I’m going to try and be an existence that can warm everyone’s hearts.

Also, thank you for all the flowers. There was nothing but beautiful flowers. (´・_・`)

After I wrote on the previous blog about sunflowers, more sunflowers bloomed than usual. Then I finally realized, apparently it seems like I really like sunflowers. My favorite flowers are pale roses and sunflowers. Fleetingness and strength… for flowers, there are many things that one can think about. I love those moments. Everyone’s thoughts and affections make me happy. Thank you.


Momochan read my letter! Ever since that day, I read your letters〜 Thank you(´・_・`)

Well then, I’ll introduce you to what I wore at each venue.

·         July 16th, Kyoto

1st slot: Kotoko san’s “Fusen was Ikiteiru.”

2nd slot: Wakatsuki san’s “Influencer”

3rd slot: I forgot to check whose… “Sayonara no Imi”

·         July 17th, Nagoya

3rd slot: Asuka san’s “Hadashide Summer”

4th slot: Kawago san’s “Blanco”

5th slot: Ikoma san’s “Sayonara no Imi”

·         July 23rd, Makuhari Messe

1st slot: Terada san’s “Secret Graffiti”

2nd slot: Nishino san’s “Sayonara no Imi”

3rd slot: Asuka san’s “Hadashide Summer”

I borrowed and tried on various of the senior member’s outfits. Everyone’s reaction each time made me happy〜 I’m the one who always doesn’t post pictures of their clothes, but this time I thought I would try and do a complete set of this handshake event!!! But… My phone ran out of space, and I wasn’t able to anymore pictures. The memories of the final day. Sad.

The album’s individual handshake was a handshake event that I got to wear outfits I could not normally wear, it put me in such a delighted and cheery mood!!! It was fun, Thank you very much.


(TL Note:

Top left: Kotoko’s “Fusen wa Ikiteiru”

Top right: Asuka’s “Hadashide Summer”

Bottom left: Kawago’s “Blanco”

Bottom right: someone’s “Sayonara no Imi”

Picture with Momoko, Wakatsuki’s “Influencer” )

Recently I’ve been watching the senior member’s dance performances and have become engrossed in searching for parts that make me say “I like the way they move here!” I don’t only learn but it’s really enjoyable too〜 Oh, I’m referring to the body movements and not the singing. The movement of the neck, wrists, elbow and so on, I watch many areas.

The day before yesterday, as supporters of ‘the high school quiz’, we went to visit the Kinki venue in Osaka! Thank you very much! It was very hype, the amount of excitement surprised me (´・_・`)!!

Myself, I really like ‘the high school quiz’ (´・_・`)。I usually watch it with my parents every year and therefore, being able to participate like this this year makes me really happy.

To everyone that has qualified, congratulations!!!!! I want to make the best summer memories for everyone (´・_・`)

I think there are people that are right now feeling frustrated…a reason that those emotions are coming up are because you’ve spent so much time and effort working hard with your teammates to reach this point. I respect that about each of you, and I think that that time you spent together getting this far is really a truly wonderful thing.

As a high schooler like you, I feel like I too want to work hard on something I find engrossing without being ashamed. On that day, I finally got that motivation. Thank you very much!!!!

Next!! Yesterday, July 26th 2017 was Yamashita Mizuki’s birthday!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I have so many strong feelings I want to convey to her, but because they’re embarrassing, I contacted her in private, but… I wonder if I can really convey them all(´・_・`)

I like Yamashita’s way of thinking, is something I think about often. I think “Ahh, if I never met her, I think the way I’ve been living up till now would be completely different.” After meeting her, I became happy right away. The person called Yamashita Mizuki has taught me various things. Yamashita Mizuki is honestly wonderful, precious and I love her. She will continue to always be special to me. Thank you as always Yamashita.

I’m annoyed that what I really want to say can’t be expressed in a paragraph. I can’t say enough or write enough, that’s how strong my feelings are for who she is.

Gradually I’ve been thinking about wanting to do a SHOWROOM (´・_・`) Honestly, I’ve been secretly thinking about some projects. I’ll do them all!!! Question projects, program projects and… I won’t tell you any more hehe! Please look forward to it!

Please let me make some announcements.

<On sale now>

·         Extra issue Kadokawa sna

·         Up To Boy san

→solo gravure

·         Weekly Playboy san

<On sale soon>

August 3rd: Weekly Shonen Champion san

Momochan, Yamashita and me! ‘The Youth’, it’s that kind of feeling! Our ages are different but, personally I like our photoshoot. The day of the shoot was a lot of fun!

August 7th: Top Yell san

Tamami, Reno, and I talked a lot. We are the new 3rd year middle school trio! For some reason… this is the first time we’ve done anything together as a trio!!!! I’m happy. I’ll work hard so that we can do this again.

(TL Note: the old trio was Saito Chiharu, Nakmoto Himeka and Ikuta Erika.)

August 24th B.L.T. san

Our 3rd generation publication has picture of Den chan and me. Where did the two of us go I wonder? Please enjoy it! To tell you the truth the day of the shoot we did my birthday celebration. Thank you so much!!!!

On August 22nd Up To Boy finally went on sale!! Which means…behind the scenes shots!


I fit the poll. I really like the wall. Wall and opening. I like them they calm me. There were many voices from people at the handshake event that said, “I saw it!!!” I was overjoyed. There were also people that said “I liked this page!”…I’m so delighted, thank you (´・_・`)

In order to give everyone good announcements again I’ll continue to work hard.

On the 29th of August is the Seven Eleven Mini Live Concert in Osaka!!!! On the 30th of August is the 3rd generation solo concert in Osaka!!!!! (TL Note: Kubo makes a mistake here since both concerts happened in July and not August, which is what she wrote,)

Osaka!!!!!! Not matter how many times I go there I’m always happy! Please wait for me! I love concerts. They’re always fun aren’t they. I’ll try and make eye contact with at least one more person! They’ll tell me that they grabbed their heart while looking at me (´・_・`)♡

Speaking of which, now, from these events I have too many pictures that I want to post, I crammed them all together… I’m sorry (´・_・`) I honestly have more (´・_・`) therefore, I’ll post some more in the future!!

Thank you for all the comments on the previous blog. Everyone wrote a lot of passionate feelings… I know I’ve said it many times, but I can’t help but think how lucky a person I am. I strongly believe this. Please continue to support me.

My previous blog was too long I think (´・_・`) I’m deeply sorry… polish, polish, polish, polish… I tried to make it shorter but is it still long? (´・_・`) I’m sorry (´・_・`)

When this becomes and individual blog and we start doing mobile mail the blogs will definitely become shorter!! If there was a reason why my blogs are long it’s because I’m bad at summarizing things. However, while on the way to work or during handshake events while we’re waiting in line, I think “wouldn’t it be good to use a little bit of this free time to read over my blog,” and as a result it becomes longer. Furthermore, recently there are a lot of things I want to tell you. Only doing one every twelve days I end up thinking “This and that! I want to tell this to everyone!” (´・_・`)

One thing I’ve been thinking about recently, I want to share my firsthand experience and my other experiences to everyone! For example, cooking or beauty! These are some of the things I’m thinking about. “Up till now I’ve never really shared my experiences on these things,” is what I thought and so I definitely want to try it.

If there was one thing I want to say on this blog it’s that I love all of you.

I’ll write again soon.

Kubo Shiori

There’s always someone watching you,

That is a saying I like. “No matter how hard you work no one will notice, even though I’m working so hard from the shadows.” There are probably some people that think like this. But by thinking this at that point in time, it seems as though you are just looking for an immediate reward. However, I do not think like that. I think work hard is enjoyable. I haven’t convinced myself this, I honestly find it enjoyable. That’s because everyone is watching me.

I’m watching too, watching the fact that everyone is working their absolute hardest every day. Let’s both do our best. In order to give smiles to everyone I’m going to run up the slope.



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