2017-01-16 “Message” Kubo Shiori Blog #3 [ENG]

Hi everyone, it’s been a while.

It’s me Kubo Shiori.

Let’s have another day full of energy!!


You can see me in western style clothing.

Is everyone’s health ok?

It’s been cold lately so please take care (´・_・`)

I grew up in the Tohoku region of Japan and I think that the reason I’m used to the cold. (TLN: The Tohoku region consists of the six most northern prefectures on Japan’s main island, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, and Fukushima.  

It’s cold.

On New Year’s, I ate the “osechi” (TLN: food served during the New Year’s Holiday) that my mother made me and it made me really happy. It was delicious.

On my previous blog I received a lot of comments,

Thank you very much.

I could feel everybody’s warmth,

It made my extremely happy.

I carefully read through each and every one!!

Thank you so much (´・_・`)

Lately, I’ve been training for “Principle”.

Everyday I’m improving a lot.

In total there are 15 performances “3nin principle”

For us it is 15 performances; however,

For those that come to watch us it is a onetime only performance.

For every single performance I want to do it the best I can.

On the stage I want to convey my feelings to everybody the best I can.

To do that I will show as much as I possibly can at every single performance and I promise that I will put my best effort into it.

This blog has a light tone to it doesn’t it?!

Today I’m going to answer some comments that were posted on my previous blog!!!

I’m not going to do that many, sorry…

·         What light stick/penlight (psyllium) colors and calls are you going to use?

I still don’t think it’s the right to say it but…

Aqua Blue X Yellow

I think I’ll go with these colours.

I don’t know why, but they’re the first colors I entered!

As for my call, I’d be happy if you say “Shiori”

I apologize for just making these requests (´・_・`)

·         What did you do for club activities?

I belonged to the badminton club!

I’m not as good as Denchan (Satou Kaede) though…

I used to play doubles.

·         What was the name of the stuffed bear that you had when you were doing SHOWROOM?

… (´・_・`) It wasn’t a bear it was a Shibainu (a Japanese breed of small dog)


Its name is Anglechan!!!!

I call it Anchan.

·         What’s your charm point?

I don’t have one yet… It would be nice to have one in the future…

However, at the time of auditioning, even though I had nothing to write, I wrote my palm.

·         Would you be happy to have female fans?

Of course (´・_・`)

Regardless of age or gender, just being recognized by someone makes me happy.

Thank you!!!

·         Can you please post a picture of you and Umechan (Umezawa Minami)



Minachan!! She’s my big sister.

I love her. She’s happy, cute…

She’s definitely the best.

I took the picture, but it’s not that good,

The cropping and the lighter aren’t great.

I’ll do my best to do take better pictures in the future.

·         What kind of fashion do you like?

There are various different things!

I want to be someone that looks good no matter what clothes they wear.

I try not to fix the clothing style.

·         Has your hair always been long?

When I was in my second year of elementary school, after doing the best I could to keep my hair short, it became difficult to keep doing it.

Since then I let it grow out then I cut it a bit.

My standard hair style is long!

But sometimes I try imitating short hair!


Because I’m currently attempting hair arranging,

I felt like trying out this sort of hair style!

It’s fresh, but it didn’t really suit me (´・_・`)

This time I will end here.

I want to try replying to your comments again,

So if you have any questions or request please let me know1

Tomorrow’s blog will be Tamami’s. (Sakaguchi Tamami)

We’re the same age.

Out of all the 3rd gens I think that Tamami is the most idol like.

Her voice and dance abilities, everything is like an idol’s.

To tell you a secret, I think I want to be just like her.

Please read her blog!!

After the next one and the one after that…there will be more 3rd gen blogs.

It would be nice if you could read those blogs too.

(My next blog will be Saturday January 28th, it would be wonderful if you were to read it. )

I’ll write again.

(Recently, I wonder why this time was so pleasant.)



(TL note: this is the final blog I translated in 2017)

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