2022-08-28“The melancholy of Ikeda Teresa, as well as Jingu #Terepan blog” [ENG]

Counseling office business trip

💌 Teresa-pan, As always, thank you so much for the super long blog. What is your favorite way to enjoy reading? Please let me know!

(Blog name: nemurenai your ha pan wo yaite)

Thank you for reading such a long blog!

1.       Reading it all at once on upload day

2.       Having a small but steady dose of Ikeda every day for 11 days

3.       When your tired and you can’t sleep leave it near your pillow.

So and so forth… ʕ·͡·ʔ

There are many ways that you can find enjoyment in reading these blogs.

I’m sorry for the delay, I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa.

Before I knew it we have almost reached the end of August, life really does have that ‘time flies’ feeling. So let’s get on with the last spurt of the super speedy summer blog tour!


New Nogizaka Star Tanjou!

At the start I posted two photos, eheh

Everyone, did you watch the previous broadcast of NogiStar?

I really enjoyed it, why? You may ask. That’s because it was the wonderful anime song special.

When the staff asked ‘what would be a good theme for an episode” I would imprint upon their subcon…. I would give them the honest answer everytime of, ‘Anime songs”! ehehehe

I’m so very thankful to the staff that took and accepted my opinion m(_ _)m

This time I performed ‘Hare Hare Yukai’ from “the melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi” along with Kuu-chan and Aruno.

Only these two members could fit the image of the song so perfectly that it made me even more hyped to do it. “Teresa, that outfit really suits you too’ they said making me blush.

I’m so glad that we were able to do it together.

To tell you the truth, when I auditioned for Nogizaka46 I sang ‘God knows…” I have a lot of emotional attachment to this song and so I’m glad I was able to introduce my love for it to everyone!

As best as I can I try and bring out clad my clam and serene nature around me at work but on that day the staff and the members said that I was completely different! It seems I was found to be fraud (´・ ・`) how embarrassing…

This was my first ever time cosplaying, and originally I was thinking ‘I’m no longer a student so is it really okay for me to wear a sailor uniform’ but then I thought ‘It doesn’t really matter if it’s the three of us’

This goes for the ‘Kei-on’ team as well but the socks and the ribbons on the outfits were all individually a little different, and it was a subtle but important difference. Did you notice?

Yuyu Hakusho, Madoka, as well as Haruhi have songs that I really like and it was such na amazing recording. I hope that the people that watched could feel our love for it as well!

Our guest on the show was Kushida Akira-san, thank you so much for coming 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽)

The size of his arms were like the same size as 5 of ours, he has such overwhelming muscles!!!

I could really feel that his cool voice was a real prized possession.

We sang and danced the ‘Onegai muscle’ dance, and when I tried it I could really feel it in my body, maybe I should take up weight lifting.

Next week I’ll be singing “Hatsukoi Cider” with Kuu-chan.

I think, as far as idols go, this is one that many want to do. At first I was wondering if it was really okay for us to sing it, but once we started to sing it, it was so much fun I lost myself.

I’ll blow you all a kiss. Chuu

The guest was Goto Maki…I was so nervous ː̗̀(ꙨꙨ)ː̖́

Look forward to it!


The 5th generation member appeared on MUSIC BLOOD

I had seen the stage on TV but actually stepping onto it in real life made me blood boil with excitment(///’ー’///)

My heart was just thumping in my chest!

When I performed my special skill of the solo musical troupe “Nogizaka”, my cool name for my special skill was finally acknowledged. I’m pleased and embarrassed. Thank you.

One thing that I’ve always disliked about myself was that whenever I watched people do things that they can do without thinking about it, it made me feel depressed. At least in front of the camera those feelings never come out and this solo musical was the result of Satsuki taking my arm and spinning me by arm backstage while I was doing expression practice.

Life is so strange that through my special skill people can enjoy it and it can make their day enjoyable.

Thank you to both Oswald and the staff who made our appearance on this program a possibility.

Oh, that’s right! The 5th generation Inoue Kozo a.k.a Kuuchan helped reveal my personal clothes, did you see them?

I’ve become more elegant! Or…I…think… I have?

When actually taking pictures

Tere: Was it like this?

Miku: hmm, it was uglier before!

Tere: Like this?

Miku: a bit lower!

Tere: How about this!

Miku: Perfect!!!

Is how the exchange went

Through a lot of effort this is how it was styled. The ability of Kuu-chan’s super styling ability really shinned. But I still can’t beat Qruppo! Lol

For the singing part we sang BanHaga and Kikkake.

I never thought the day would come when we were perform our 5th generation song on an over-the-air broadcast…!

When I saw the 4th generation senior member perform ‘I see…’ on M Stage I offhandedly thought that Nogizaka46 was a cool group but it really is. Since being a part of Nogizaka46 I’ve been given a lot of happiness, I want to keep these feelings with me and give back to everyone!

It was our first time performing a TV size as well!

Kyaa, I didn’t think I could jump so high! Was what everyone was thinking as we hurried to get back into the choreography. TIF as well, and the national tour, and this version are the three  exclusive different versions of BanHaga that we practiced. I’m glad that everyone like the MUSIC BLOOD version as well! Thank you.

Smash. There was an Oshi Kamera thing that focused on each and everyone of us, if you watch that one you can definitely spot an Ikeda! Please check it out.

In Kikkake each of the 11 members had their own solo part.

As a trainee this was one of the set pieces of music that we had and so I have a lot of memories of this song.

Voice projection, how to match rhythm, posture among other things were some of the first things I learned, and I was surprised by the power of my voice after I learned how to project my voice!

At the same time everyone learned the power of their singing voice, I’m have such a feeling of pleasure that everyone was able to understand the power of our voice at this event.

Everyone was shocked weren’t they?

The power of Aya’s voice who was crying before we went on.

I wonder if she’ll get mad at me for writing this but you couldn’t see it at all on camera and her singing was so cool.

There are a lot of ways to choose how to live but I chose this one. Out of those many ways I chose to be a member of Nogizaka46 and it is very precious and happy one.

At the same time I auditioned the other members auditioned as well and the fact that we were all able to meet each other this way is like a miracle isn’t it.

From here on I want to continue working together!

To the staff who gave us this opportunity, and to the fans who saw what we can do thank you very much.

This is kind of random but I’m going to do a little off shot counseling room talk.

💌 Tere-pan what’s one of your favorite summer songs?

(Blog name: koko wa ima kara ronri desu)

GReeeeN/ Orange

Hajikeru Oimi ga Fresh da ̖́-

During the summer of my middle school years while soaked at Yomiuri Land and riding a roller coaster this song was playing and that image is forever burned into my mind lol

Aimer/ ONE

This song was released in October so I’m not sure if it counts as a summer song, but it’s a song that I want you to listen to while under the sun so that’s why I introduced it to you!


When it’s performed it’s done with an expressionless face and it’s a cute song. The chorus is a sad but cute melody and I love it.


When I want to pump myself up I listen to this song!

If I sing it at Karaoke I’m sure to get pumped up ( ◜ω◝و(و “

SEKAI NO OAWAI/ Mermaid Rhapsody

It’s a song from Princess Jellyfish, it has a gentle melody and you can feel the sadness of the mermaid that is singing it

3rd year E gumi Utatan/ Seishun Satsubatsuron

Moummon/Hello, shooting-star

These two songs are the OP and ED of Assassination Classroom

The brightness of youth! And the sadness of the setting sun in the summer. These contrary images and both very good individually and I love them

Pillennium parade & Belle/ U

It’s a song from the anime Movie Belle. The voice of the main character is awesome! I’ve listened to it many times on repeat.

If you like please check out these songs and give them a listen ( ‘֊’ )

Midsummer National Tour ⚓  ̖́-

In the 11 days since my previous blog we’ve been to Miyagi and Aichi and tomorrow we’ll be performing at Tokyo’s Meiji Jingu.

Putting it into writing like this really shows how crowded this time period has really been.

On the 20th of August it was Akimoto Manatsu-san and Iroha’s birthday!

Happy Birthday👏🏻( ˊᵕˋ )

The day after on the 21st was the commemorative day of Nogizaka’s formation and so it was back to back days of celebrations

Our hair styles were the same, we both had braids ∞(。  ¨̮  。)∞YaY

Yumiki-san’s braids were hanging slightly longer than mine, it was so cute! Adorable.

When my hair grows longer I want to challenge that hair style, maybe for a meet and greet I’ll ask her to help me do my hair.

We 5th generation members experienced a lot of different things through our participation in the Sumer Tour, TIF and MUSIC BLOOD.

We’re far from perfect, and there were many things we were able to overcome with a lot of help from other people, so thank you very much.

The Senior members in our group, the staff and the other 5th generation members, as well as everyone that came to the live concert, the ones who sent me flowers, commented and left messages on my blog, there were so many people supporting me and showing me their support! I love you all.

I’m just overflowing with feelings of gratitude.

The only stop left is the Jingu performance.

I want to end the tour with a bang, so please look after me (  . .)”

Online Meet and Greet  ̖́-

September 4th will be the first online meet and greet of the 30th single.

Over the course of this month there hasn’t been a meet and greet and I know we’re both feeling a little lonely. We were together before the summer but over the course of the tour I’ve been able to feel your support and who you are and that still makes me happy (;_;) 

When we meet next, I want to express all my feelings of gratitude to all of you! I can’t help but get excited at what we’ll be talking about.


I’ve seen a lot of comments on my blog as well as at previous meet and greets congratulating me (  . .)”

But I don’t have that kind of strength yet, but one that that I know that makes me happier than anything is the fans being like “I want to talk with you” The power that you have is so big, and ever since becoming an idol I have really been able to understand that, it’s amazing.

The fact that I’ve sold out shows that I’ve become someone that everyone wants to talk to, if that were you you’d probably nervous lol

Am I that irresistible to talk to? Ehehe

Ikeda will blow away your expectations so please wait for her


My individual PV trailer has been released on YouTube!

You can’t leave the main character, Ikeda Teresa, alone lol

The trailer is just the beginning so when you watch the full version you’ll be ever more shocked so please watch the full version (≧∇≦)

Ooohh, it’s like an afterschool date

The video was shot by my manager! Here’s a behind the scenes pictures.

Please look forward to it.

Well then, for today I’ll end my blog here!

Thank you for reading (  ˃ ᵕ ˂  )

I hope that you have a wonderful day tomorrow so here’s an injection of Teresa Power  ̖́-

See you soon


( I know I’m the one writing it but) it’s takes time to read this far and the fact that you read this far every time, on top of giving me a lot of long comments every time, you really read these blog thoroughly don’t you.

Thank you sooooooo much.

The number of comments and their length, I wonder if we put them together can we aim for number 1 longest in Nogizaka history? I say as my ambitions begin to grow ^ ^

I’m so glad that we reached over 1000 comments on this blog (≧∇≦)

I’m super dupper happy, I’ll answer a lot of them today!

Without further ado let’s get into it 👊🏻

💌 Teresa-chan, when it comes to school uniforms which do you prefer? Sailor uniforms or blazers? What kind of ribbon do you like? ?🎀

(Blog name: Pearl)

I wore both sailor uniforms and blazers!!

I think I first started wearing clothes that were really like uniforms when I joined Nogizaka.

I feel like neither the sailor uniform or the blazer really has a ribbon tie, they’re rare and cute, I want to wear one again ( ´⚰︎` )

💌 Merono-san… the summer break is almost over… is this a dream…”

(Blog name: Pantarou)

Mero “Calm down and listen, if you say “I’ll do it” 30 times tomorrow summer vacation will be over”

💌 Merono-san! When you’re in a slump what do you do?

(Blog name: Myuu)

Are you talking about drawing? When you’re in a slump it means that you have too much output and not enough input is a simple interpretation! That’s why, you need to go out and see things, read thing in order to stock up and fill your brain with new ideas

Mero “If you take a break down feel bad about it! Are some important words that were told to me by a teacher once, and I still hold them dear.”

Go going!

💌 Counseling office question: What would you do if I met you tomorrow? You won’t see this comment will you!! It’s my win!!

(Blog name: Masaru)

It’s my win 🤟🏻

💌 If I could only use the colors red and blue what can I draw?

(Blog name: Nyoi)

Elephant 🐘

💌 Dear Teresa: I’m thinking about making an Oshi group for Teresa-chan, but I can’t decide on a group name ߹𖥦߹ If you were to give us a group name what name would be good? ( ˆᴗˆ )

(Blog name: Ga omoitsukan)

Teresa club, if there are more than 5 people then it would be Terehan (TL Note: Han means squad or group)

↑this is what we used in my school

💌 1, did you eat a lot of delicious food in my prefecture of Aichi? Misokatsu, chicken wings, Miso niokomi udon, they’re all rich and heavy flavors, do you like foods with rich flavors? While writing this comment it made my stomach growl so I’m thinking about getting a new item that just went on sale which is a ‘palm sweet potato’ 🤤🍠

2, Since it’s summer the amount of ice cream consumption is crazy, in the Ikeda household do you have ice cream in the fridge? Do you like refreshing ice cream or heavy and thick ice cream? Even in the summer I’m definitely a tick and heavy ice cream person! Rich milk and potato flavor is the best ☺️☺️☺️

Well my ice cream is melting, so good bye for now, I’ll comment again 👻

(Blog name: tsuukii)

1, I love foods with rich and heavy flavors!

I love miksokatsu and so that’s why I think Aichi is such a wonderful place (while stuffing my face with Misokatsu and Morokyuu (TL Note: a miso cucumber dish))

2, If I open it now it’ll be empty… (   ´・ω・`    )

In the summer the fully rip mangos are delicious

I’m also hoping to get my hands on those ‘Palm sweet potatoes’ was it good?

They had a family pack and the individual ones but I can’t decide which one I should get

💌 (📞^o^) ring… (📞’ω’) hello? Is this Merono-san’s counseling office? 1, recently with regards to the question ‘during the Aichi performance what did you eat?’ thank you for the response! Next, Teresa-chan, the things you were looking forward to in Aichi were ‘Hitsumabushi, Miso katsu and chicken wing’, did you get a chance to eat them?? If you did please let me hear what you thought about them ( ˙▿˙ )

2, A notice and a consultation, at the Aichi performance I took a picture with some other Teresa-chan oshis and the name of our gathering turned out to be ‘Tereru disease patients Tokai hospital ward’ lol and so the Fan name is ‘Tereru disease patients’ with the name of our region as the hospital ward (like a team name). Someday there will hopefully be a gathering of ‘Tereru disease patients Kansai hospital ward and Kanto hospital ward’ and I hope that we’ll all be able to take a picture together and cheer on Teresa-chan (`・ω・´) So, I was hoping to get your seal of approval for our team name |´-`)チラッTeresa-chan, Merono-san, what do you think??

(Blog name: Sergeant Kiroro)

1, I was able to eat what I wanted!

I was able to have Hitsumabushi full of eel and I had juicy Misokatsu, I tried and compared two different types of chicken wings, all the spicy ones were delicious and I couldn’t chooseeeeee

2, The name is coo!

💌 hey, hey! How do you choose your personal clothes? Or did you change the way you choose your clothes after the other members said you shouldn’t wear the ones you ahve?

(Blog name: Rice kudasai!)

Recently I’ve been buying a lot of replacement clothes! They won’t tell me my clothes look lame anymore ( ・´ー・`)

💌 Seeing Teresa-pan at a live concert this summer was one of my best memories! I want to see you up close again! Can is see you?

(Blog name: Miichri pudding)

Me, Teresa-pan, am right now standing behind you…

Mero “What did this turn into horror?”

It’s because it’s summer…

💌 First of I want to poke fun at the fact you have 53 fake ducks, Why did you think about buying them in the first place?? Lmao

(blog name: tokkuri)

‘Cause sometimes you just want to be covered in chicks

💌  I know you’re a energetic fine arts girl but do you like studying the Japanese language? Do you like social studies? English? I’m also in to fine arts but I like geography and modern Japanese literature!

(blog name: Ochoko)

I like Japanese and social studies, don’t ask me about English…at all

💌 A question for Teresa-chan, are you a umbrella or rain coat person?

(blog name 𓅿𓅿𓅿)

Umbrella! I use one that is for clear or rainy weather

💌 I don’t really know that much about One Piece but are you opposed to saying that NARUTO and DRAGON BALL are peak jump?

(Blog name Mushiritorimushi)

Peak? NARUTO, BLEACH, HUNTER X HUNTER, would be in that conversation for me, I own all volumes

I wonder what is peak for me… maybe Takopi’s Original Sin?

💌 A correspondence for Merono-san’s counseling office! What was something delicious that you ate in Miyagi or if you have any recommendations for souvenirs please tell me!

(blog name: Artemis)

Only gyutan (Only tongue? Silence!)

💌 Do you eat Bananas as part of your snack?

(Blog name: Roman)

It’s a staple food of my diet, but I do think of it as a snack and I eat them ŧ‹”ŧ‹”( ‘ч’ )ŧ‹”‹”

The banana bread my mom makes is delicious 🍌

Mero “Even if Teremama reads this blog, you don’t have to worry about making it! I’m on a diet!!!!”

💌 Teresa-chan whats your favorite food?

(Blog name: Danmari)


💌  tettereteretete, terre, pan!

↑what rhythm is this?

(Blog name: shaanai, ude no ipon kureteyaru)

Shoten? Bring me a floor cushion please

Mero “If that’s the correct answer then the hint was too easy!”

💌 My answer to ‘what if Teresa-chan suddenly became Anpanman what is the first thing that you would to’ is the exact same as your answer but I wonder if the rest of humanity thinks the same way? Is a hypothesis that I arrived at, it’s obvious that you’d try eating yourself! I’d be happy if it was sweet bean paste!

(Blog name: Roka-chan)

If just looked it up, it looks like it is sweet bean paste ( . . )

Excuse my question 💌 From here on do you think Tere-pan can also write backwards? Teresa-pan do you play games? (TL Note: This comment is written backwards, but my brain is too small to write it out)

(blog name: fried chicken)

In reality I like games, one that I want to challenge myself to play is horror games, but I’m a scaredy cat lol

How was that?

(TL Note: All these comment are written backwards, but my brain is too small to write it all out in reverse)

💌 “Out of all the 5th generation members I will definitely never lose at this!!” have you ever said this before?

(Blog name: peach soba)

Something I would say without thinking while walking down the street

💌 Tere-pan you’re so handsome aren’t you?

(blog name: Borushichi)

I’m not handsoba I’m handscone

(TL Note: she really say Ikemen (with men being noodles) and Ikepan (pan meaning bread)

💌 I really like House of the Witch! Personally, the mystery syndrome, insane moon, and the spiral inn are my recommendations! If you like please check them out ✨ Out of these I think the quickest one if the Insane moon !

(Blog name: Keroppi)

I watched the insane moon and the spiral inn ( Ꙭ)

I hope to play them myself one day but I’m confident that I’ll never get out lol

The mystery syndrome I also watched recently! Thank you

💌 speak of which, Kenjiro-chan 🦦 lol is definitely from Golden Kamuy!!

(Blog name: Naniyase)

Well looking at Nogizaka, depending on how you look at it we’re just a group of girl.

In order to not become baggage Ikeda is going to do her best (´・ᴥ・`)

Accompanying Genjiro-chan to Miyagi now (2022/08/20 08:42:41)

PS. I’m also accompanying you to Aichi (2022/08/25 09:53:09)

💌 Amazing!!! Rather than a blog it’s more like a scroll!!! Honestly, how long did it take you to write this blog?

(Blog name: Revolution)

I don’t really know how much time it takes but I write it all at once with the upload of Ioki Mao’s blog as the indication to start

I’m the type who wrote their summer report on August 31st

I learned a bit for the counseling room corner and I start writing a little bit earlier (2022/08/20 08:45:05)

💌 I have a question for you Teresa-chan! 1, I love Evangelion, who is your favorite character? (When I was in kindergarten, I loved Asuka) 2, I want to try going to a meet and greet but I don’t know what I should talk about? I’m a woman and we’re about the same age, is it ok to go to the meet and greet? I hope that we can talk one day!!

(blog name: kikkun)

1, Misato-san

2, Let’s talk about Evangelion, I’ll be waiting

Mero “I’ll give you a special service at the meet and greet ♪”

💌 I’m sorry for being so sudden Merono-san! Can I ask you a question? The ending of both ‘Dekkai-hou’ and ‘dekkai-dou’ rhyme? My rhyme sensor are engaged!

(blog name: ita)

Correct. It’s a friend of the dekkai-zou from two blogs ago 🐘

Mero “Rhym-ing’

💌 Before “Egao ni nareru you ni’ did you aim to have your blog be uploaded that day (August 17th)? Was it random? Was the name necessary?

(blog name: Naupan)

The miso soup of the gods

💌 You said that your Kamen Rider bike would be Saku-tan so what role would Aruno-chan have? I’ll be the engine! Vroom vroom

(Blog name: Paniik!)

She would probably be the precure fairy?

Mero “Nichiasa”

💌 1, Please give me a new password for my Iphone.

2, I only have 3 tickets for your meet and greet, please give me a secret trick in order to have a fun time talking with you. I want to see how close we can get with only three tickets!?

(Blog name: Nayaan)

1, teresapandahakken

2, With three tickets the sky’s the limit

💌 In order to see Tere-pan’s majestic figure from upclose please inject me with Teresa-Power so that I can secure a Tere-seat! Please m(。 。)m

(Blog name: Puro)

Please get a good seat! Teresa-power injection (stab)

💌 Tere-chan have you ever gone overseas? What’s country you have been to or want to go to?

(Blog name: Davidson)

I want to Samarkand in Uzbekistan, the blue tiles are so beautiful   ̖́-

💌 Did you know the difference between Shake and Sake (TL note: they both mean salmon) The difference seems to be whether it’s processed or not lol

(blog name: Trendy Ioki)

Finely chopped katsuobushi

💌 In the hour singing lesson there were people that were giving you instructions on how to smile. More details plz! What did the atmosphere around you feel like, and after seeing AruNagi’s reactions the room changed and it become a lot more interesting… I can’t help but be interested

(Blog name: Machaon)

Every time my face freezes up and my smile becomes really awkward. I’ve been told that when I smile I squeeeeeze my eyes so first I need to have them wide open ː̗̀(ꙨꙨ)ː̖́

Compared to some of the other 5th generation members I’m lacking in experience and professional experience of dancing and singing and so that’s why the last couple months I’ve needed to catch up to the other in terms of singing and dancing. First things first is becoming more comfortable in front of an audience, but haven’t I been able to do that recently? I wonder!!

💌 Teresa-chan, how do you preserve your mental?

(Blog name: nyan nya tee-shirt)

Obviously because of my Oshi!

💌 What’s the origin of the name Team Natural spring water?

(blog name: Kone)

Because we’re like the gushing freshness of a small stream! Team Natural Spring Water!!! Is a catchphrase that we should have…probably

It’s really because our meowniforms are blue 〜  ̖́-

💌 Out of all the food that you ate on the National Tour, if you had to choose the best one what would it be?

(Blog name: More no Yousei)

The one that I was looking forward to the most was honestly the gyutan in Miyagi 🐮

That’s why I’m so anxiously waiting for tomorrow (2022/08/19 17:41:31)


I was looking forward to the gyutan in Miyagi soooo much and I raised the bar sooo high and yet it’s deliciousness surpassed even that… It was so delicious that I could cry (2022/08/21 09:45:11)

💌 I have a question for Tere-pan-san! Currently all the 5th generation members are doing a blog relay, for you personally do you like it? Or would you prefer your own personal blog? When the 4th generation members stopped doing the blog relay, there were a lot of members who were sad and didn’t like it! I’m interested in how you feel!

(Blog name: cornering ni ki o tsukete!)

I think I would like either one of them ^ ^

I think right now if the baton passing from the relay ends now everyone would feel hollow inside and this way I think we can meet a lot more of you so we all look forward to that!!!

Even outside of the individual blogs, we can connect in various ways like our senior members do, I’m looking forward to it ^_−☆

💌 Which member looks to enjoy their food the most and which member you can’t help but say ‘they’re so cute’ while they’re eating!? Please tell me !!

(Blog name: Unaginagi)

I’m always scared that Nao and Mao’s cheeks will fall of while they’re eating

💌 1, how long have you known Merono-san for?

2, What kind of relationship do you have with Merono-san? Are you friends? Business partners? Or perhaps partners?

(blog name: Hidari Shotaro)

1, They sprouted before I realized it

2, We entered a contract called the Teresa-panda Partnership agreement (TPP)

💌 Can you drink Tomato Juice? 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅

(blog name: Philip)

I can’t… (. . )

I think a lot of people draw the line at whole tomatoes but for me the only time I can eat them is when they’re thrown in a nabe

💌 Merono-san, I have a stupid thing to ask for advice about but right now I’m a university student and I still love Kamen Rider, I even bought a belt, is that weird?

(blog name: Guratamu)

There are people that are like ‘I love idols’ and they become idols so it’s a okay

When you wake up in the morning you’ll be an idol… I mean Kamen Rider!

💌 Have you even been to a maid café?

(blog name: 10 no Akuma)

I haven’t, I want to go though!

Mero “There’s times when you want to be moe”

💌 I’m a student preparing for their entrance exams, can you cheer me on. Thank you very much

(blog name: Erasmus)


💌 [Question] The most famous cute threatening pose in the world is the lesser panda, please tell me about your threatening pose.

(blog name: Chojin Jamila)

To lose my shoulders!

💌 Question! In a previous blog you said that you like the Monogatari series, do you have a favorite character? Also please tell me your favorite character song!

(blog name: que sera sera)

Kanbaru Suruga Renai Circulation

💌 Tell me Teresa-pan… Have you ever gotten so sick that you had to miss school? I know this can’t be helped but, how do you feel after you called in?

(blog name: Dojo Atsushi)

I’m the kind of person who calls in and feels relieved and just falls asleep  ̖́-

💌 Tere-pan-san and Merono-san, when you get your hair done at the hairdresser’s they cover your ears. This cover can’t fit your ears so let’s not use it and they take it away. Can you give me part of your ears???

(blog name: ROMROM)

I see…That’s true, I’ve never had them remove my ear cover.

Mero “Rather then the ears being too big aren’t the earlobes more important?”

💌 Good evening Tere-pan!! I finally received my drivers license and I can drive, can you ride in my passenger’s seat???? (tears)

(blog name: Euphonium)

Ikeda’s not good with cars and when she does ride them she definitely falls asleep, is that ok,,,

💌 Speaking of which, I saw Tere-tswan’s picture on Yoda Yuuki-san’s blog, Tere-tswan ate a lot lol, you had a ridiculous amount of food and then you had to blow on it. There’s no way this little Ikeda can eat that much. Huh? Ain’t no way, that’s gotta be someone else’s portion? That ain’t all yours? I, I wonder…

(blog name: Chimi)

That’s right I appeared in Yoda’s blog (≧∇≦) YaY!

Huh? Food?


💌 One thing I was interested in Glasses-pan! You didn’t have glasses on in the food room, was there a reason for that? Not only you but some other members also lost their glasses in that scene, was there are reason for this? It wasn’t shown for long but your face was so beautiful I had to rewind lol

(blog name: ki,)

I don’t nyo

You rewound? I’d be meowy happy if you were to repeat it a lot

💌 Teresa-pan! Please tell me why you’re so white!!! I want to use you as a reference ( ◠‿◠ )

(blog name: Teresa-maru)

1, I don’t go outside

2, I don’t go outside

3, I don’t go outside

💌 While reading your blog I’ve plainly been wondering but once in a while  once in a while you mention famous horse names, Teresa-chan do you like Uma Musume? Or do you like real horses? I’ve only been able to get 8 hours of sleep, I need answers

(blog name: 🍊)

I guess Daiwa Scarlet looks a lot like Asuka

💌 Question

Are you good at math??

(blog name: Kara bin ka)

Math 1, 2B I barely passed. A has percentages so I just could not

Mero ‘Translation: she’s bad at math’

💌 This morning, I thought about Tere-sama while eating a melon. When Merono-san is eating melons do you eat them together? What do Merono-san even eat in the first place?

(blog name: 🌰( ‘-‘ 🌰 ) melon chan)

Mero “Merono lives of mist and haziness… ( ´⚰︎` )”

💌 What is a secret of Ioki Mao-chan that you can only say here!

(blog name: Rui)

She’s weaker at arm sumo than I am

💌 I’ve only recently started looking at your blog, who si Merono-san? Please let me know when they first appeared!

(blog name: Iruka Sensei)

Please check out the #Tere-pan blog on July 15th ^_−☆

Please come see me when you’ve written it a million times ^_−☆

Something like that

As always thank you for all the ます💌

Mero “I’ll be waiting for your correspondences, well then good bye for now”

With BanHaga MV number 1 test taker and the child prodigy from Kansai

I thought the day where I would have to take a real school test again was upon me, I got terribly scared (((;’ω’;)))

But I didn’t get discouraged! Girls be ambitious  ̖́-

22.08.28 #Tere-pan blog #12


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